Greenpath Enterprises can identify this as an alternative and consult on questions of Waste-to-Energy feasibility. While we do not offer Waste-to-Energy services in-house, we often come across materials that are too contaminated for conventional recycling, and yet are required to be properly eliminated as part of a zero-waste initiative. Our Waste-to-Energy consulting program can help you develop your plan, ensure a proper WtE company, and sort and transport your materials to the applicable Waste-to-Energy plant.
There are also a number of new and emerging technologies that can turn your waste into energy without direct combustion, and Greenpath consults with our clients on which might be a fit for your needs. Some of the newer technologies are:
- Gasification: turns waste into combustible gas, hydrogen, or other fuels
- Thermal depolymerization: produces a synthetic crude oil
- Anaerobic digestion: creates a biogas of methane from waste
- Fermentation: produces ethanol, hydrogen, etc
- Mechanical biological treatment (MBT): newer technologies to create fuel from waste
At Greenpath, we leverage our experience and knowledge of a vast array of materials to help support your commercial recycling needs, whether from one of our convenient locations across the USA, or onsite at your own location.
In our 25+ years, we have found significant efficiencies can be achieved when using a “one stop shop.” This applies to Waste-to-Energy, which is generally the recycling of last resort, when no other means to transform your waste can be found. We can, for example, determine which waste can be traditionally recycled, handle it, then supply you a plan for the remainder of the waste, which might be a combination of Waste-to-Energy and, if anything is left, landfill.
Greenpath Enterprises is a full-service recycler, processor, and manufacturer. We are vertically integrated with over 25 years of experience in commercial recycling. Whether we are helping you with Waste-to-Energy solutions, or putting together a full-service recycling program, we will keep your commercial recycling in-house, domestic, and creating US jobs – all while supporting not just your corporate sustainability goals, but also your profitability. Contact us today (online or by calling 909.954.0686) for your commercial recycling needs.

Contact us today for your commercial recycling needs.
or call us at (909) 954 0686